Monday, April 26, 2010

Ninja Ryder Rides the Snake with her Sensei

On Friday, Donatella and I braved Friday Los Angeles freeway traffic and rode to the Rock Store. From Santa Barbara, we took the 101 to Kanan Dume, then rode back roads into Cornell, California. Once there, we visited with friends, had a much needed Diet Coke, and prepared to be schooled by Sensei Phil. He wanted to take us through "the neighborhood", AKA Cold Creek Road (our teaching road off Mulholland), but we were too wiped out. So he settled for following us up the Snake, a twisty area of Mulholland Highway, with a debrief at the top of the hill. From there, we went down Encinal Canyon and took the Pacific Coast Highway home. We passed Danica Patrick's GoDaddy car on Highway 1! That was perfect timing -- maybe we'll appear in a GoDaddy ad. Keep your eyes open for a little black Ninja....

Being a safety conscious motorcyclist, I always wear my Big Ear ear plugs. Between the ear plugs and the sound of my pounding heart, I had difficulty hearing Sensei Phil during the debriefing, but the gist of the conversation was that my riding needs help. I did hear something about a "chick thing", accompanied by a shaking of his big Shoei MultiTec. Once home, I followed up with him by email. Here's our conversation:

Ninja Ryder:

Thanks so much for riding with me today, and for the helpful advice. I focused on the relaxation thing all the way home. I also thought about your comments, and I have a question for you:

I get what you were saying about how I didn't use the whole lane going up the Snake. And it's true, this time, that no one was coming down the hill so there was no need to stay so far right. But what about Keith Code and the "tight inside line"? My speed (or lack of speed) is another issue, but even when I'm more relaxed and confident, I mentally divide my lane and try to stay to the right side. I still strive to handle a curve by "outside - inside - outside", but try to leave a good margin of safety for whatever is coming at me (whatever I can't see....). Am I missing something? Too conservative?

Another thing:

You know how I'm going to learn so much about myself as I work on becoming a better rider? And one of those issues I face might include self-esteem? Well, I had earplugs in during our debriefing at the top of the hill. And I could have sworn you said I had certain "proficiencies". It wasn't until half-way down Encinal Canyon that I realized you said certain "deficiencies". I laughed in my helmet all the way home. (Laughing is relaxing :-) )

That was a really fun day and I look forward to doing it again. Thanks for being so generous -- I take all your words to heart and your help over the past year or so has made me a better rider (even if you can't tell yet!)

It's about 154 miles round trip -- not bad!

Sensei Phil: Good, we got your attention today. When we get together next time, the earplugs come out and go in your pocket. None of my bikes are noisy so you don't need them for such a brief time. The only thing I want you to remember about Friday was to "relax" and we will go over lane usage and the relative factors of safety and riders view around corners next time. The word "deficiencies" was used to describe how Rob used to ride (like you were doing today regarding lane useage). I think he feels he owns his lane now, just like he should.
I may want to expand our next ride to include some parking lot maneuvers besides riding the Neighborhood. Think about it, and get excited not scared.--Phil

To be continued....

PS - Today I will post a video of my Bonneville SE Dominator pipes...I don't think there's anywhere to hear them online, and the video will be a public service to all you Triumph lovers and Matt Capri fans.

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